Navigating the world of Amazon repricers as an Amazon bookseller is a challenging task for several reasons:
- Too many options to adequately vet.
- Too confusing to determine which tool is best for booksellers.
- Existing tools have too many ambiguous features, making it impossible to determine which will benefit your business.
So I set out to solve the problem with this article, and finally resolve the question: “What is the best repricer for books?”
To do this, I analyzed every Amazon repricer on the market in order to answer these questions:
- How much do they cost?
- What does or does not make them a good repricer for booksellers?
By the end, you’ll have a well-rounded analysis of your repricing options.
TL;DR: My favorite repricer for booksellers is NeuroPrice. It lets you avoid the data blindspot problem, which is a huge obstacle booksellers face with traditional repricers. No other repricer does this, and it’s also affordable, which makes NeuroPrice the automatic top pick.
Try NeuroPrice free for 30 days.
Or keep reading to learn more.
What is an Amazon repricer (and why do you need one)?
Real quick primer if you’re new to this subject:
Amazon repricers are software tools that automatically reprice your inventory. Generally you will set pricing “rules” that tell the repricer what to do, then the repricer automates price changes based on those rules
Because Amazon prices change and change often, a repricer keeps your inventory priced competitively, so you can get sales. Without updating your prices frequently, your sales are going to suffer. There’s no way around it: If you’re an Amazon seller doing any kind of volume, you need a repricer.
How to navigate this guide
I put each repricer on this list into one of two categories:
Category #1: Top 11 Recommended Repricers For Booksellers
These are the repricers that are going to be relevant for most sellers reading this article.
I included a repricer in this section if it meant one of the these criteria:
- Repricers that have a solid reputation in the Amazon bookselling community
- Repricers that offer unique features of benefit to booksellers.
- Are under $50 a month.
Category #2: Every other repricer option (not recommended)
I want you to know all your options, so I included every other repricer on the market in this section.
I included a repricer in this “not recommended” category if one of these criteria applied:
- Its cheapest plan was more than $50 a month.
- There is a question as to whether the tool is still being actively updated and maintained.
- They charge for excessive features that are not relevant to booksellers.
- The repricer comes bundled with other tools or products that are not useful to small-to-midsize booksellers.
- They cater to specific product categories or models other than books.
I’m including these in the interest of sharing all your options, but 99% of small to midsize booksellers can safely ignore these repricers.
Part One: Top 11 repricers for Amazon booksellers
NeuroPrice (my choice for best repricer)
Plans start at $17 a month.
What to know about NeuroPrice
I’m starting with this because I consider NeuroPrice the best repricer for booksellers.
A truly unique repricer, and the one I recommend for booksellers. NeuroPrice brings the best combo of low price and features that no other repricer offers. Here’s a list of why NeuroPrice is my top choice:
- Increases your average selling price more than any repricer. This is the most important one of all, and it’s worth understanding the significance of how NeuroPrice is able to raise prices more than other tools.
Because NeuroPrice gathers its pricing info differently than other tools, it has a greater range of prices it can compare your price to. The biggest of these is it’s capabilities to compare your price to the 2nd or 3rd lowest competing price. Where other repricers can only compare your offer to the lowest priced offer (which usually lowers your price), NeuroPrice actually raises your prices by letting you price-compare to higher priced competitors. This converts to a major profit boost for any seller. This alone makes NeuroPrice pay for itself
The reason I like its price-raising features for booksellers specifically is that Books is the category that has more sellers than any other. This means the average book has not just a few competitors (like most categories), but dozens. This makes NeuroPrice’s feature to compare to 2nd & 3rd lowest competitors all the more powerful and profit-boosting for booksellers.
- No FBA blindspots. NeuroPrice is the only repricer that has solved a little-known problem with every other repricer on this list. Amazon refuses to share pricing data for competing FBA offers if they are priced above the lowest 20 offers. This doesn’t impact most listings, but it does impact a significant amount. And when there is an FBA offer outside the lowest 20, every other repricer “freezes up” and doesn’t know what to do. NeuroPrice has figured out a way (not sure how) to see these FBA offers that are invisible to other tools. If you sell FBA, this will have a direct impact on your profits.
This is particularly high-impact for booksellers because books are the most impacted by this blindspot. As I mentioned above, books have more 3rd party sellers than other categories. This results in more competing offers hiding in that “FBA blindspot.” This makes “normal” repricers especially damaging to booksellers, because more of their inventory is being mispriced or not repriced. Big win for NeuroPrice.
- Only repricer that lets you reprice by product category. If you’re selling product categories other than books, this is for you. While I haven’t tested every repricer, NeuroPrice is the only one I’ve seen that lets you set different repricing rules for each product category. Set one for Books, a different one for DVDs, and so on. Very useful.
- One of the only repricers that lets you reprice by “Best Seller Rank.” NeuroPrice isolated one of the biggest gripes sellers have about current repricing software by allowing you to set different pricing rules depending on an item’s Sales Rank (aka “Best Seller Rank”). I really like this option and it’s very hard to understand how it’s omitted from every other repricer on this list (except for one – RepriceIt).
- Can review all prices before committing. NeuroPrice gives an option to reprice one page of inventory at a time (up to 250 items), and then review all price changes before you lock them in. This is a great option for sellers who have concerns about repricers changing prices in ways you didn’t intend.
- Run by a real bookseller. NeuroPrice is run by the long-time Amazon bookseller Peter Valley. His insights gleaned from his experience have shaped NeuroPrice into the standout repricer that it is. This also ensures it will continue to add innovative features that are especially relevant to booksellers.
Strongly recommend trying a free trial for NeuroPrice before moving further through this list.
Try NeuroPrice free for 30 days

Plans start at $9.95 a month.
What do know about RepriceIt
RepriceIt has been around for a long time and might be the oldest Amazon repricer. It’s been a consistent solution for booksellers going back to the mid-2000s. It’s also one of only two repricers I’m aware of that lets you reprice by Best Seller Rank (a major bonus).
And on top of all that, RepriceIt is currently the cheapest repricer on the market.
A solid choice if you desire a “no frills” repricer that gets the job done.
Channel Max

Plans start at $35 a month.
What to know about ChannelMax
Another repricer I hear about frequently in bookselling circles, and I would safely place ChannelMAx in the top five most popular for booksellers.
However, I would put ChannelMax in the same category as Bqool in its complexity and learning curve. So while many sellers speak highly of ChannelMax, it’s not for the faint of heart. I would be prepared to invest many hours understanding its features before you can get up and running.
More features does not necessarily equate to a better repricer, but ChannelMax may have more features than any other single repricer.

Plans start at $25 a month.
What to know about Bqool
With the possible exception of RepriceIt, Bqool is probably the most popular repricer for Amazon booksellers.
Sellers are drawn to Bqool by the volume of settings, the price, and overall reputation.
Like ChannelMax, the number pricing options are massive and difficult to navigate. The volume of options is an upside to some, and a downside to others. One of the complaints you hear about Bqool is that it is extremely difficult to learn due to how many screens and settings there are. If you choose Bqool, be prepared for a learning curve. But it is extremely thorough in its features.
Bqool has plans that can accommodate any size seller, making it a fit for both small and large booksellers.
Alpha Repricer

Plans start at $25 a month.
What to know about Alpha
Another repricer that seems to have a following among Amazon sellers, while not clearly defining what sets it apart from similarly-priced tools like Bqool.
The main messaging in its marketing is its “Buy Box Hunter” capabilities. (Most repricers claim to “win the Buy Box” more than their competitors, and it can be challenging to determine who is telling the truth.).
Alpha also does offer real-time repricing (vs. scheduled repricing, like RepriceIt).
Alpha has been around since 2017, making it a reliable and long-running repricing solution.
Seller Republic

Plans start at $29 a month.
What to know about Seller Republic
Seller Republic advertises some unusual (but not clearly defined) features, including “arbitrage repricing,” and “AI algorithmic repricing.” The full list of features listed on their website is extensive.
They also boast being able to set up and run the repricer in 3 minutes or less.
Profit Protector Pro

Plans start at $50 a month.
What to know about Profit Protector Pro.
Another decently popular repricing tool at a mid-range price.
Some standout features and attributes of PPP are 12 present “algorithmic pricing strategies,” sales graphs and charts, a chrome extension that aids in repricing analysis on Amazon product pages, and is run by real Amazon sellers.

Plans start at $50 a month.
What to know about Aura
Aura emphasizes the use of “AI” as its main feature and selling point. Launched in 2019.
Repricer AI

Plans start at $10 a month.
What to know about Repricer AI
One of many Amazon repricers to boast of “AI” and “machine learning” capabilities.
Repricer AI offers features like real-time repricing and analytics.
It also claims to be the “fastest” repricer, however it offers no further information to back up this claim.

Plans start at $49 a month.
What to know about StreetPricer
By all appearances, StreetPricer is a standard Amazon repricer with all the usual features and options. Comes with an analytics dashboard, preset repricing rules, real time repricing, pricing based on profit, and lots more.
The unusual thing to note about StreetPricer is that their website URL is “,” yet their website makes no mention of artificial intelligence anywhere.
Category #2: Expensive or irrelevant repricers (not recommended)
The repricers in this category are either unnecessarily expensive (charging more for no clear benefit), specialized for categories outside of Books, or for multiple sales platforms beyond Amazon.
There’s nothing wrong with these repricers and they will all get the job done. However they are either slightly more expensive without a clear benefit, or seemingly no longer updated (i.e. very little activity detected in recent years).
Ki Magic

Plans start at $25 a month.
What to know about Ki Magic Repricer
I’m including this in the category for repricers I don’t recommend, only because there is very little information about Ki Magic online and it’s not clear if they are still in operation or being maintained. And, their website is generally sparse and does not adequately specify its features, etc.
One standout bonus with Ki Magic is that they are 100% free for the first 50 SKUs. So if you are a very small seller, you can use this repricer for free.
Ki Magic refers to themselves as “The Best Cheap Amazon repricer.”

Plans start at $75 a month.
What to know about LogicSale
LogicSale comes in at a very aggressive price ($75 a month for 200 SKUs or less, and $197 a month for a max of 1,500 SKUs. 5,000 SKUs will cost you just under $500 a month). At these prices, it should be clear what value LogicSale is offering above the standard repricer. However no unique or exceptional claims are made in its marketing.

Informed charges a percentage of your revenue, starting at 1%.
What to know about Informed
Generally the repricing tools that charge a percentage of your revenue are the more robust “enterprise” options for very large sellers. Reviewing Informed, it’s not clear what sets them apart from “normal” repricers or how they justify their revenue-based pricing structure.
Informed does offer real-time repricing (vs scheduled repricing), AI-driven repricing, and adjusting prices based on inventory age. Also integrates with InventoryLab.

Plans start at $49 a month.
What to know about StreetPricer
Another repricer advertising itself to be powered by Artificial Intelligence.
StreetPricer offers not just Amazon repricing, but eBay and WalMart repricing as well.
StreetPricer makes some dubious claims that are also made by other tools, including being “50x faster” than any other tool, and winning the Buy Box more than any other tool.

Plans start at $199 a month.
What to know about SellerChamp
A robust tool that goes way beyond Amazon repricing. SellerChamp offers repricing and inventory management for WalMart, Etsy, and more. Also offers a large range of features including analytics, listing, order fulfillment, and more.
For the average Amazon bookseller, SellerChamp would be extreme overkill.

Plans start at $199 a month.
What to know about Repricer
Popular among very large sellers who sell on multiple platforms. Repricer is a very expensive repricer that brings with it a large number of features that only add marginal value to the average small to midsize seller.
Reprice Hub
While plans start at $49 a month, this only allows repricing for 25 SKUs. An inventory of 1,000 SKUs will cost over $100 a month.
What to know about RepriceHub
RepriceHub goes much further than repricing, bundling together everything from repricing to product research to order management, touting itself as an all-in-one solution.
Seller Engine/Sellery

1% of your Amazon revenue, with a minimum monthly charge of $50.
What to know about Sellery
Another repricer with an aggressive fee structure, that doesn’t clearly specify what it offers in excess of a standard repricer. Sellery touts its “real time repricing” and some features that are catered to private label sellers, but nothing that appears to be unique.

Plans start at $19 a month
What to know about M2E
This comes bundled with their main “M2E Cloud” tool. The function of this tool is very vague and not well explained. The repricer is just one part of this larger package.

$600 a month.
What to know about SellerKit
A repricer that caters specifically to private label sellers.

Plans start at $89 a month.
What to know about Flashpricer
Flash Repricer caters specifically to “multi channel sellers.” More specifically, those selling on both Amazon and WalMart.
Operation ROI

Must call for a price.
What to know about Operation ROI
The need to call to get a price quote indicates Operation ROI is an “enterprise” solution for large sellers. However their website makes the standard claims about winning the Buy Box, real-time repricing, etc. It does come bundled with many marketing tools such as advertising tracking, social media tools, and much more that are not relevant to most sellers.
Profit Reprice

$64 a month.
What to know about Profit Reprice
Profit Reprice is a repricer that comes bundled with Accelerlist, the Amazon listing tool. There is no option to subscribe separately.

$99 a month.
What to know about Eva
Another repricer for “multi-channel sellers.” Eva allows you to sync prices across WalMart, Shopify, and Amazon.
They claim a “51% Avg Increase In Profitability” when signing up for their software. They also offer “pricing synchronization” across WalMart, Shopify, and Amazon.
Comes with a large palette of other features including returns management, inventory management, analytics, and lots more.

Must call for a price quote.
What to know about Feedvisor
Advertised as an advanced artificial intelligence driven repricer. Also comes with an abundance of enterprise-package tools like PPC advertising analytics and more.

Plans start at $99 a month (for a maximum of 5 SKUs).
What to know about Profasee
A repricer that is specifically made for private label sellers, making it not a good fit for booksellers.
Solid Commerce

Must call for a price.
What to know about Solid Commerce
Multi-channel seller repricer that works across Etsy, Shopify, eBay, and more. Also comes bundled with many other selling tools such as order management tools, listing tools, and much more.
Seller Dynamics

Plans start at $140 a month.
What to know about Seller Dynamics
Another “multi-channel seller” repricer. Edits prices across Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Shopify, and more..
Seller Active

Plans start at $149 a month.
What sets Seller Active apart?
Not a standalone repricer, Seller Active comes bundled with a larger tool that facilitates listing and inventory management.
Seller Snap

Plans start at $250 a month
What to know about Seller Snap
Their claim to fame is featuring the most “advanced” artificial intelligence” driven repricing models. An advanced repricer for larger sellers.